Tuesday, September 9, 2008

An update

So our luggage has arrived. In 4 complete pieces. The cheese did not leak much, I am happy to report. They are as of yet unpacked, filling our bedroom and hallway.

In case you were wondering, my attempt on making corned beef was not an unqualified success. Mostly because I using the wrong cut of meat, it's pretty tough. And salty, but I think that's because I did something wrong. All said, though, it's decent, but not really worth the effort.

I am on the search once more for a babysitter, which would explain why I have no time to write on here. If you happen to know of someone living in Vladivostok and looking for a job, send her my way.


Anonymous said...

How much of the food was salvageable?
I'm assuming the cheese was completely gone?

Anonymous said...

im free to babysit!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

curious: The food was all fine, except for the cheese. And oddly enough, some of the cheese seems to be ok. It says only to 'keep in a cold and dry place' and smells fine.

sarale: we'll take you anytime. Do you do cleaning too?

Anonymous said...

ill i have to think about that!