Friday, September 19, 2008

Of Dogs and Cats

When I walk somewhere with Yisroel, I am amazed at the random people who come to ask the rabbi for advice. Like the guy in the gas station who wanted permission to divorce him wife. And the (non-Jewish) woman who came to the synagogue the other day to ask if the rabbi could come to bless her house. Yisroel gives very deep answers. Be nice to your wife, do good deeds, be kind to others, etc.

Last night, at 10:30 the phone rang. The voice on the other line sounded very distraught. After a short introduction, he blurted out his question. He had been walking and had seen a dog and a cat fighting. The cat was almost killed, but not quite. This fellow put an end to the cat's misery, and now wanted to know what prayer he should say to repent from having killed a cat.

For my part, overhearing Yisroel's end of the conversation, ("A dog?" "The cat died?") just cracked me up. I laughed quietly so the poor cat-killer would not hear.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know that your russian is so good to follow what must have been a convoluted conversation. What sage advice did he give?

Alizah said...

quote: "Don't worry about it. You were kind to that poor cat. You performed a good deed." end quote.