Thursday, April 3, 2008

A day in my life

I’m up since 6 AM with the baby. What better time than this to get this blog started? So, for starters, here’s my cropped to do list for the day

To do – the shortlist:

Put a new dough up. The bread flopped. Again. Why does the bread always flop when I make it in the bread machine? My challah and handmade bread work out fine. What am I doing wrong?

Get this blog set up and the first post up. That’s you! So if you’re reading this, you know I got that done.

Prepare for women’s program. It’s called for Sunday – today is Wednesday and I have no idea what we’re doing. YIKES!!!

Call preschool directors to get a preschool direction. Somehow we are opening a preschool in September. Somehow I am in charge of this. I spent all of 3 weeks in my life working in a preschool. We will of course hire a director – from somewhere – and she’ll do the day to day stuff. Still, it’s a bit daunting. And the urgency is climbing every day. Mendel turns 2 in 3 weeks, and he’s desperate for a preschool.

Visit washing machines. We shlepped a washing machine with us from New York, the heavy duty kind that can do a massive load. We bought it from someone on Craig’s list, and thought we would save ourselves money and hassle by bringing it here on our container, and since it is electric, we would just change the voltage and have it work here. Well. A year and a half and many electrician’s visits later, we have come to the conclusion that is not practical/prohibitively expensive/dangerous to change the voltage and use this machine. So we are buying a new one. And this has urgency as well, as last weekwe sent our clothes to a laundromat, and some items came back torn, some not at all. So today is a research day. Dryers are a luxury here, so there isn’t that much choice. Everything is downsized here, so I want the biggest machine I can find. And, of course, we will pay a fortune. (Think 2 to 3 times the price of something in the U.S.)

Make dinner. Fish probably. Take out of freezer in the morning, and leave enough time clean it.

Find out about a Russian teacher. Time to resume classes. And somehow find the time in the day to take them.

Invite guests for Shabbos.

Class. I have a one-on-one class with someone. Jewish women and Hebrew reading. And it is all prepared, thank G-d.

That’s the short list. The long list is filled with lots of boring details, so I'll spare you. Better get cracking!

1 comment:

Shaya said...

Did you look into getting a completely new outlet installed with the proper voltage for an American appliance? I have seen many times in Brazil, that people have some outlets with 110 volt and some with 220 in the same house.