Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week in Review

And what a week it's been! A marathon, and I have a feeling that the coming one is only getting busier.

Well, honestly, I don't have time to review the whole week, but the end of it was busy enough as it is.

We had youth over for dinner Friday night. I really wasn't sure how many people were coming, but we had 4 really nice guests, and we had a great time. I invited a whole bunch of people for Shabbos day, but it didn't really work for anyone, so I took rain checks, most of which will be cashed in next week.

This morning we had an official community meeting, open to the entire community as a whole. Most of the attendees were over 70. Enough young people did show up though. We planned another meeting for December, in which we will vote for the community president and 5 board members. (The nominees were decided today)

Rabbi Snetkov, from Khabarovsk, came in for the day (12 hour train ride each day) to give lectures. The first one is in session now. My favorite one (well, the only one I understand well enough to translate anyway) is entitled "I - a person vs. I - G-d" or something like that. We have a nice crowd, about 40 people.

That's all for now, running home to the kids. But stay tuned!

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